Monday, December 12, 2011

Tidings for Tweens and Teens Outreach Program

As a Real Estate Agent by profession our career enables us to welcome so many new families to our communities each year. Along with this, we also have the ability to tour our schools, educate our community, and be a help to the areas around us where we see a need. As an agent, we are well traveled, and by well traveled I am referring to our neighboring communities of which we drive and tour daily. We are not just specialists in home sales and property values, but we are a representative of those communities in which we serve.

It is for this precise reason that getting involved in our community is so important. During the holidays our home sales slow down. Most are well into the holiday gift buying and the shopping for a home has been put aside for the new year. However, as an agent, we still have quite a bit of work to do..and that work should be for the families in our communities.

Now is the time to reach out. In all homes, in all towns, in all counties, our economy has changed lives. What better time than when there is a slow down in our profession to reach out and help those that we see in need? It is with this goal in mind that the creation of the Tidings for Tweens and Teens Program was formed 3 years ago. So often we donate to the little ones, either through the toys for tots program or many other outreach programs, but beyond Fisher Price, we have our school age children, our tweens and our teens, that are doing without this holiday season. In a cooperate effort with our local neighboring school districts, YMCA, Family Service League and our Churches, my Tidings for Tweens and Teens Program has been a success in reaching out to families in need and providing some holiday gifts for the older children that seem forgotten in our giving plan. Last year we helped 80+ children. This year the needs is even greater. I want to thank all of my collegues in the field, as my friends affiliated with the Long Island Board of Realtors have been a tremendous help. I want to ask my Realtor friends to continue this year and consider adopting a child to provide for this holiday season. Every little bit counts. Please contact me at Meg Smith and Associates if you wish to help! 631-647-7013.

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